We are committed to helping you achieve positive and long lasting change. Years of experience and education in natural health care means we are dedicated and equipped to tailor your treatment to your individual needs.
Kristen Burgess
Remedial Massage
Kristen Burgess
Kristen is one of those lucky people who loves her work. She started massaging at a young age when she would give homemade gift vouchers to her family. What she didn’t foresee is that it would become a life long passion. Kristen studied at The Melbourne College of Natural Medicine, and gained a Diploma of Remedial Therapy from The Melbourne Institute of Massage Therapy. Kristen has been the director of Five Elements since May 2019.
With over 20 years of clinical experience, Kristen specialises in deep tissue therapy & sports massage, whilst drawing on other modalities such as myofacial release and cupping. She particularly enjoys treating neck and upper back pain caused by injury, chronic conditions, or postural issues associated with desk work.
Kristen brings a thoughtful and open approach to each treatment, tailoring each massage to your individual requirements.