five elements blog

Winter Self Care

You are my sunshine

There are very few reported cases of SAD (seasonal affective disorder) in this country due to the vast amount of sunshine we receive, but Vitamin D deficiency is on the rise so it is important to get out  and soak up a little sunshine whenever we can. Yes, Melbourne can be grey and dreary, but the sun does indeed pop it’s head out from time to time, get out there and bask in it’s (tepid) warmth! 

Get moving!

We notice every year that the first few weeks of the change in season causes a drop off of clients into the clinic. It totally understandable; it’s getting darker earlier, the wind is biting, and we all know that ‘Winter is Coming’. However, as we are not bears we can’t hibernate all season! So get moving, take the stairs, take a class at the gym, try some Bikram yoga if you are craving the warmth! Just keep your body moving regularly, or joints will become creaky and muscles become sluggish. You will feel so much better by the time spring arrives

Fuel your body

It is so easy to fall back on comfort food to make you feel snug and secure when the rain is pelting down at an angle (is that hail on the roof??), but your body will not thank you for filling it with refined carbs and sugar. Try to focus on wholesome foods that are grounding and nourishing rather than fast foods that will hit your brain’s pleasure centre then leave you feeling heavy and moody after; swap out breads and pastries for root vegetables and warming spices (cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, turmeric, etc). Buying seasonally is also better on the environment as well as the hip pocket. 

Turn within

Now is the time for reflection, taking stock, and nurturing yourself.  Get creative with home projects – knitting is making a huge comeback (so far this nanna has made a misshapen, grey blob…. but perseverance is key, apparently), start a journal or join a book club.  

It seems that nature completely shuts down during winter, but really it is just turning within, resting and revitalising so that when spring finally breaks through, it is ready and bursting with energy. Hopefully you will be too! 

Happy Winter!

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Cajun Salmon Poke Bowl

4 salmon fillets2 teaspoons Cajun spice mix2 teaspoons olive oil1/2 C brown rice and/or 1C quinoa 2 corn cobs, husk and silk removed, steamed until just

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