I’ve been talking to clients quite a bit lately on the topic of inflammation, primarily in joints. Generally speaking massage is not indicated for joint inflammation; especially when you’ve turned an ankle and it is swollen and sore, or in the case of an arthritic, red knee. Having the muscles around the joint massaged may bring some relief, but it is best to not work deeply on the joint itself. Gentle treatments such as Manual Lymphatic Drainage may help with acute inflammation however the results are slow. To be honest, you probably won’t want someone to poke around inflamed areas as the pain is intense and it may aggravate your condition. This can leave you feeling a bit helpless, but fortunately there are some things you can do at home to help reduce joint inflammation:
Anti-inflammatory tea
A lovely, soothing night time elixir that can help with inflammation in the body.
- Juice of half lemon, or a few slices of lemon
- Sliced ginger
- Sliced fresh turmeric
- One teaspoon of honey (best quality you can buy)
Add all of these to a cup of boiled water and allow to steep for at least 5 minutes. Then sip away!
If you want a little extra kick, you could add 1-2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar. It is not to everyone’s taste but it does have gut healing properties and can really help inflammatory conditions. As someone with chronic inflammation in my knee, I can attest to how powerful a little apple cider vinegar each day can be. Its cumulative effect was similar to the prescription anti-inflammatories that I had been taking previously, but without the side effects. Just 1 tablespoon in warm water every morning made a huge difference to how achy and swollen my knee was. It was amazing! If you struggle with the taste, try adding a little honey and cinnamon.
Fluid build-up
A build up of excess fluid around a joint can cause discomfort and reduce mobility. It may not be the result of an injury or disease, but usually there is a precursor to the swelling. Sometimes over-exerting a joint can cause the body to have an inflammatory response, in an attempt to protect the joint against damage. Aside from the basic first aid of rest, ice and elevation, a poultice can be very affective in reducing the swelling. No, this won’t mean foraging around in your garden for herbs and mud! Applying a compression of Lectric Soda crystals wrapped in a cloth can dramatically reduce puffy, fluid build up in joints, especially in knees. Lectric Soda crystals are relatively easy to buy, usually found at the supermarket in the same aisle as medications. Spoon a few tablespoons onto a square of clean cloth, then wrap and fold into an envelope shape so the crystals are securely trapped in the cloth, but the cloth is relatively flat. Place over the effected area and secure with a bandage. This really needs to stay in place for at least 4 hrs to give the fluid time to slowly move outward. I usually leave it on overnight. When you remove the bandage the crystals may have hardened as they have absorbed some of the fluid. It is not recommended to do this more than every second day, and if the symptoms persist for more than a week then it is advisable to speak to your doctor to investigate further.
Remedial Massage Therapist