five elements blog

Pregnancy Yoga

It’s been quite a few months now since the first lockdown in Melbourne, and it’s not a huge surprise to find that our shared-care midwife has had quite an upswing in bookings for prenatal care! But did you know that Denise is also a certified yoga instructor. This is a practice that she regularly encourages to provide pregnancy and post natal well being for all of her clients. 

Yoga has many known benefits and lots of people practice in different ways.  Yoga is not just moving your body and being flexible.  Yoga is a way of life and has many paths to explore.  
Yoga during pregnancy has been shown to be of benefit to an expectant mother.  Studies have found that yoga helps increase the vaginal delivery rate, decrease premature birth, reduce birth weight and shorten the first and second stages of labour. During the pregnancy yoga can increase muscle strength, assist with calming the nervous system and controlling breathing – these last two will help anxiety and interrupted sleep, and help keep you grounded and centred. 

Yoga has no negative effects on the person practising, nor the baby, and it does not matter whether this is your first or fifth pregnancy.
It is recommended you practise your own asana, with teachers you trust and value.  Listen to your body and use props such as blankets and blocks to assist and make your journey comfortable.

Sit quietly everyday for 10mins with no distractions.

Focus on your breath and your baby.


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Cajun Salmon Poke Bowl

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