five elements blog

Healing with Sound Therapy

It has been known for some time that sound has played a big role in our planetary evolution. Claims abound that the pyramids were built using sound frequency to move the otherwise impossible stones. So too with megalithic structures such as Stonehenge and Avebury.Many experiments can be found on YouTube around sound experiments and intentional vibrations, yet did you know that when used together they create a healing response in the body that can be witnessed at the level of your DNA?

If you’ve ever seen the effects of vibration on water, you can imagine how those vibrations might shift negative energy from your body that is 60% water. Sound Therapy appears in a variety of methodologies and has been imbedded in many Asian cultures for millennia. With the Tibetans, recognised as one of the most high vibrational cultures on the planet, Singing Bowls merge these two concepts even to the extent of how they are made – considered hand wrought by 3-4 people and as monks chant sacred prayers of healing into the seven metal alloy (that represent the seven chakras of the body). When Sound Therapy is merged with a technique of universal energy healing (such as Reiki) it can be a recipe for deep and transformative healing that complements well most other modern medical and alternative therapies.

Dana is now offering Reiki Energy Sound Healing sessions at Five Elements.

She also offering discounted sessions for clients going through cancer treatment. After witnessing family members and friends go through this difficult journey she would now like to reach out to  offer treatments to assist in making the path a little more manageable. 

For inquiries or more information visit or call 0403192867

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Cajun Salmon Poke Bowl

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