five elements blog

Anatomy Corner ~ Tibialis Anterior

The Tibialis Anterior muscle is the long, thin muscle running down the anterior portion of your lower leg.  Originating from the upper section of the lateral part of the tibia (just below the kneecap) and interosseous membrane (fibrous tissue between tibia and fibula), and inserting into the first metatarsal bone in the foot (behind the big toe), this muscle dorsiflexes the foot – the action of lifting the foot upwards to take a step, and helps to invert the foot – to tilt inward.  

five elements tibialis anteriorFor example, each time you take a step you will pull your toes upward as your leg swings forward and prepare to land closer to your heel. This action is called dorsiflexion. It is more common for those who do a lot of walking to experience pain in this muscle than those who run.  Runners tend to spring off the ball of the foot, but walkers use a heel-to-toe action which engages tibias anterior fully. As a result this muscle often contains trigger points that cause pain.


by Kristen Burgess ~ Remedial Massage Therapist 

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