news archive
Trent’s Tips to Beat the Winter Blues
And just like that, it’s winter! The days are shorter, colder and they just seem harder. The lead up to winter seems to have made

YIN ~ A Poem by Belinda Rogers
We glide upon the dust Small Clouds Below our feet We hum in silver Toward the blue Lights we are Leaving shadows To bathe in
Borscht Recipe
This wholesome soup with its distinctive red colour is moreish, and perfect for cool Autumn evenings. Whilst there is nothing more Russian about me than
Pain & Inflammation Seminar Inspiration
In order to maintain our qualification, all natural therapists must complete a number of hours of continuing professional education each year. Recently Nadia and Kristen
Parsley and Roast Pumpkin Salad
The garden has loved the wet spring we had here in Melbourne. Parsley has sprung up all over my garden and is just flourishing! Parsley often gets
Spicy Indian Lime Pickle
With abundant lemon and lime trees in my garden, I feel compelled to share this incredible recipe that I came across last year. I made
Tips to Reduce Joint Inflammation
I’ve been talking to clients quite a bit lately on the topic of inflammation, primarily in joints. Generally speaking massage is not indicated for joint

Stressed, Sick and Sluggish: The dreaded three S’s of winter
Why do we put on weight in winter? Why do we feel so slow and congested? And why is it that we seem to catch
Warming up your Winter
Winter always seems to surprise us all with just how cold it really gets in Melbourne. Coming from sunny beachside Newcastle, I’ve been here 6
The Lymphatic System and Immunity
Winter is upon us, and for most of us that means increased exposure to colds and flu. It is hard to avoid as everyone huddles together against the
Hazelnut Dukkah Recipe
Dukkah is an Egyptian condiment made from a combination of nuts, herbs and spices. It can be enjoyed sprinkled over roast vegetables or meat, in
Autumn in TCM and foods to nourish yin
Autumn has to be my favourite season -the cooler, crisp air and the sunset of falling leaves. It is the season in which we transition