five elements blog

Anatomy Corner ~ Gluteus Maximus

No, not the name of a Roman Emperor, but the largest muscle in the human body. The primary job of gluteus maximus is to keep the body upright, as it anchors itself to the lower section of the trunk. It is a hard working muscle that does a lot more than people realise, and so I try to always include any treatment of the back.  It plays a major role in antigravity while walking upstairs, every time you take a step or get up from a chair.  The gluteus group for some reason don’t tend to complain as much as other muscles and so it is easy to neglect them and forget to include them in a stretch routine. Don’t neglect them, they work very hard for you! 

Origin; Iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx and the aponeurosis of sacrospinalis

Insertion; Iliotibial tract of fascia late and lateral part of line aspera the greater trochanter of the femur – the bony joint part where the leg inserts into the hip. 

Actions; Extends thigh at hip joint and laterally rotates thigh. 

By Kristen Burgess ~ Remedial Massage Therapist

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Cajun Salmon Poke Bowl

4 salmon fillets2 teaspoons Cajun spice mix2 teaspoons olive oil1/2 C brown rice and/or 1C quinoa 2 corn cobs, husk and silk removed, steamed until just

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